Monday, May 23, 2011

Family & Foundation

There is nothing greater than spending quality family time. Wether it's going to a movie , eating dinner together, or simply taking a walk. I try to spend as much time with my family as I can. I come from what they consider a "broken home" which means not both parents  are present. But that doesn't stop me from having a wonderful relationship with my Mother. She's amazing.No matter how hard she works she always manages to do something with us. As we got older we did tend to start hanging out more with friends. .  But to me  Saturday was well spent with her. We went to this nice nearby Sushi Bar,ordered  so many different speciality rolls. I was fed,full,happy. I made sure to stay off my phone as well because nothing ticks her off more than me texting or tweeting the whole night. She considers it rude especially because of the fact that I tend to suck at multi -tasking. Furthermore , for those of you reading this I hope you all realize and cherish family. Tomorrow is never promised. Be family oriented don't distance yourself from those who matter. I know people whom just wait til' Mother's day or other holidays to be with family then next thing you know that loved one is gone. Hold onto your foundation. If you're family oriented like me then you'll agree when I say Family is my foundation. Initially appreciate them for the things they've done and do. Never take them for granted.
You'll regret someday when it's a little to late.Don't let such thing occur.

Sincerely, M

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